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Nove Colli news

19 May 2024

Et voilĂ , another year of celebration for the Nove Colli in anticipation of the Tour de France

From the dawn start to the celebration for the British rider Howard Rowan Brown, the last to cross the finish line


It was a party, with everything a party should bring: many participants, a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere, and a bit of healthy competition. Traditions to carry on and even a touch of magic. The magic, indeed, was the light mist that greeted the start in front of the Colonia Agip, an unexpected scene in May that made the Nove Colli look like a great classic of Northern Europe. The dawn in Cesenatico woke up with an unmistakable noise that happens only once a year, the rolling of wheels and pedals that can be heard so clearly in the city only on the day of the Nove Colli. From there on, it was a celebration: on the roads, at the rest stops, at the finish line, for the solidarity and spirit that have been renewing for 53 years without losing even a bit of its luster. The participants were rewarded for every effort with an exceptional pasta party, perfect for replenishing spent energy but also refined and conceived by the hands and mind of chef Omar Casali together with the team from Marè and the students of the Hotel School of Cervia.



The Dream Team of solidarity made it, just at the brink of four hours, but the details matter little when it comes to helping the Romagna's Oncological Institute with a €10,000 donation. Leading the group – ideally but not only – was Chiara Ciuffini, who also had the satisfaction of winning the 130km women's race. "With that jersey on, I was flying," and the message will certainly get through thanks to the supportive legs of the cyclists and the generosity of Fausto Coppi and Gobik.


The Last Finisher

And the Nove Colli is special also because it rewards not only the first but especially the last, in fact the very last finisher. And it was a celebration with music, applause, toasts, flowers, and gifts of Romagna food for the Englishman Howard Rowan Brown. He crossed the finish line at 5:29 PM, and despite the fact that a lifetime had passed since the start, the Briton had not lost his smile even though he was exhausted. Brown is at his fifth Nove Colli – the first he finished last – and comes from Birmingham together with his wife who was already waiting for him at the hotel. To complete the 200km, he took a total of 11 hours, 11 minutes, and 43 seconds.


The appointment is for Sunday, May 18, 2025.