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Nove Colli news

14 February 2023

#NoveColli4Children: €10,000 donated to Rimini's Oncology Unit

This morning Andrea Agostini, President of Fausto Coppi Cycling Club, Jose Ramon Ortin, co-owner of Gobik and Davide Cassani (President of APT) visited the Pediatric Oncology Unit at the Rimini Hospital (IOR) to deliver a donation of €10,000 that was collected with the #NoveColli4Children the May 2022 race. A race of generosity and solidarity, representing fundamental importance in Nove Colli's bond with the local area.


The #NoveColli4Children

The initiative, which is now an integral part of the Granfondo, is designed to support the activity carried out by the IOR. Fausto Coppi and Gobik created it as a way to push the champions on their bikes towards a noble cause. In the last edition, Davide Cassani, Cristian Zorzi, Rocco Cattaneo, Gianpoalo Mondini raced for solidarity, also encouraged by the help of professionals Oliviero Troia, Edward Ravasi, Alessandro Forcellu, Sofia Bertizzolo. The team's goal was for at least 3 riders to complete the route in less than four hours. They made it, and the donation is ready.


"The #NoveColli4Children is one of the initiatives we care about the most because it combines the presence of great cycling personalities at Nove Colli, with their generosity, to help in a precious fight. Thanks to the Romagna Oncological Unit for the support and to Gobik, which immediately believed in this initiative," Andrea Agostini, President Fausto Coppi, said.


"Gobik is proud and honored to be part of this type of project. Racing to win is very nice but the emotion of racing to do good is unmatched," said Jose Ramon Ortin, Gobik Brand Manager.


“The Nove Colli is not just a cycling event for the Romagna area, but a real social movement, attentive to the territory and the common good. I'm glad that I made a good effort and contributed to this initiative. It's touching to visit these young patients who I hope can win their battles soon," added Davide Cassani, president of APT, former professional and much more.


"Today, February 14, we celebrate love, tomorrow February 15 we celebrate World Childhood Cancer Day," explained Fabrizio Miserocchi, IOR General Director. "It is nice to be here in the ward today, together with friends from Nove Colli, witnessing how much love doctors, health workers, nurses, psychologists and Dog Galaxy pet therapy trainers put into the care of these kids and their families. 


"We have many projects in place that aim to improve the experience of the children in the ward and of the parents who look after them: initiatives whose objective is mainly to preserve the patient's excellent quality of life even in the active treatment phase. Thanks also to the sensitivity of friends of the IOR such as Nove Colli and Gobik, we can guarantee that treatment is not limited to the administration of drugs: an increasingly central aspect of taking charge, especially in oncology."


«I sincerely thank Nove Colli and IOR because, like every year, they are here with us to support our work," added Dr. Roberta Pericoli, head of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology at the Rimini Nursing Hospital. "The foresight and sensitivity they show in supporting important donations projects that don't impact so much on healing prospects but that make a difference to the quality of life of our children is worthy of admiration. 


"Pet therapy, for example, helps us to make children and their parents experience the path of illness in a much more serene way: more serene patients and family members create a more welcoming environment, and that obviously makes our work easier."