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Nove Colli news

17 May 2023

The Nove Colli race has been postponed due to the strength of the bad weather

Given the emergency tragically affecting the entire Romagna region, the Granfondo has been rescheduled for September 24, 2023


The organizers of the Nove Colli race have been forced to postpone the event to September 24th following the wave of bad weather affecting the entire Romagna region.

"The Nove Colli is a celebration," explains Andrea Agostini, President of Fausto Coppi. "But at this moment, there are no moral, structural, or practical conditions to celebrate anything. We are experiencing dramatic days with the images from Cesena, Cesenatico, and the entire hilly area that have affected us deeply. This morning we woke up and immediately understood that the Nove Colli race on Sunday cannot take place. Our first thoughts go to all the volunteers, members of the Civil Protection, and law enforcement who ensure the smooth running of the race. It is not feasible to divert resources from the region at this time, as it would neither be possible nor responsible. Furthermore, we do not consider it appropriate to hold the Granfondo for safety reasons, as we cannot assess the condition of the affected road sections. Lastly, there is the moral aspect, and we do not deem it appropriate to celebrate during such a difficult period for everyone. We are certain that the entire Romagna region will rise again, and when it does, the Nove Colli will be ready to represent a day of leisure and joy for all."